OBI, Bauhaus & Co. - the new marketplace hits

Hardware store marketplaces like OBI, Bauhaus, and Hornbach have become crucial destinations for many DIY enthusiasts. Their presence on the internet allows them to offer a convenient and versatile shopping experience that is highly popular among DIY enthusiasts and is eagerly embraced. The increasing demand for convenient shopping options and the growing relevance of online marketplaces for hardware stores demonstrate how important they are nowadays.

May 16, 2024



OBI, Bauhaus & Co. - the new marketplace hits

Benefits of Online Marketplaces for Hardware Stores

Utilizing online marketplaces offers numerous advantages to businesses. By having a presence on these platforms, brands immediately gain a wider reach than with their own online stores, making it much easier to attract new customers, even those who are not specifically searching for the brand. Additionally, high marketing expenses are eliminated, as marketplace providers already invest significant funds in their visibility, from which brands can simultaneously benefit. The good reputation and image of the marketplace providers can also positively impact the brands. Furthermore, having a presence on marketplaces allows brands easier access to international markets compared to having their own online store. The broader and stronger presence of these platforms also increases the visibility of individual brands, thereby contributing to revenue growth.

Growth of the Hardware Store Trend

Causes for the Boom in the Hardware Store Sector

  • Pandemic: During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people spent more time at home. Lockdowns led to people starting home improvement projects to keep themselves occupied and enhance their living spaces.
  • Economic Situation: Due to current economic fluctuations, consumers tend to seek cost-effective alternatives.     Shopping at hardware stores and undertaking DIY projects can be significantly cheaper than hiring professional services.
  • Environmental Awareness: More and more consumers are developing a strong environmental consciousness and are     seeking ways to make their homes more sustainable. Many hardware store products and DIY projects contribute to environmental conservation efforts.
  • Variety of DIY Videos: The internet offers a wide variety of tutorials for inspiration. Numerous platforms provide many DIY tutorials to inspire and improve one's home.
  • Relaxation: Working on home improvement projects is not only a practical activity but also a form of relaxation for many people. Engaging in hands-on activities provides a creative way to alleviate everyday stress.
  • Self-Expression: Due to mass-produced furnishings, many people seek ways to make their homes unique and     individual. Shopping at hardware stores and engaging in DIY projects offer opportunities to stand out from standardized decor and add a personal touch to one's home.

Comparison of Traditional Hardware Stores and Online Marketplaces

Product Offering: Unlike traditional hardware stores, online marketplaces offer a greater variety of products from different providers.

Accessibility/Opening Hours: Online marketplaces are accessible around the clock and do not require physical presence compared to traditional hardware stores. This allows for much easier access, especially for people with limited mobility or time constraints.

Product Information: Online marketplaces provide extensive customer reviews and ratings to assist customers in their purchasing decisions.

Customer Benefits of Hardware Store Marketplaces

• Convenience and Accessibility

Online marketplaces offer customers a great opportunity to shop comfortably from home without having to spend much time in a store.

• Wider Product Range andAvailability

Customers benefit from a broader selection of products. With numerous brands available, customers can find exactly what they're looking for while simultaneously gaining access to a greater variety of brands and products.

• Price Comparisons and SpecialOffers

On online marketplaces, customers can easily and quickly compare prices and look for special offers. This allows customers to compare various products and deals and find the best offer while also saving money.

The outlook for further growth and expansion in the hardware store marketplace sector looks promising. The trend towards online shopping continues to grow, especially in the hardware store industry. Consumers particularly appreciate the convenience of ordering products from home and having them delivered directly to their doorstep. This creates high growth potential for hardware store marketplaces. Hardware store marketplaces offer a variety of products that go beyond traditional hardware store assortments, making the marketplace offerings more attractive. By utilizing AI, online hardware stores can provide personalized shopping experiences. By providing personalized recommendations and individual product selections for customers, hardware store marketplaces can increase customer satisfaction and strengthen customer loyalty. With increasing environmental awareness among customers, hardware store marketplaces can increasingly focus on sustainability and environmentally friendly products. This would generate a growing demand for eco-friendly products and lead to an expansion of offerings on the platforms.

Charlotte Maxeiner

Charlotte is a communication managerin and content creator. She creates content of all kinds: from short and snappy posts on social networks to detailed blogposts about the online marketplace business, it's all there.

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