Performance marketing becomes full brand marketing

- - - We turn performance marketing into full brand marketing. - - - Especially in e-commerce, performance marketing is the most important tool to achieve marketing results that serve business growth. Therefore, it looks at important indicators such as revenue, return-on-ad-spend, cost per purchase, or the number of purchases. So it gives you the opportunity to grow measurable and long-term. As a brand distributor, however, we see it as our task not only to help you perform optimally but also to combine your performance marketing with brand marketing on a long-term basis. Because as much as technology drives us forward, we can rely on one thing: the customer remains king. After all, that's what online marketing has always been about: how we reach customers, how we delight them, and ultimately how we make their lives easier. The question behind our approach: how can we keep customers loyal to our brands in the Online Marketplace World? A major benefit of our collaboration with large online marketplaces comes from the fact that we have the opportunity to link the performance of our brands with the customer experience thanks to online campaigns, and thus successfully pursue brand marketing. We combine the marketplace appearance with a focus on people and their needs, thus creating an emotional bond. This means that brand loyalty is no longer promoted directly in the customer experience, but indirectly and subconsciously.

January 16, 2024



Performance marketing becomes full brand marketing

After all, that's what online marketing has always been about: how we reach customers, how we delight them, and ultimately how we make their lives easier. The question behind our approach: how can we keep customers loyal to our brands in the Online Marketplace World? A major benefit of our collaboration with large online marketplaces comes from the fact that we have the opportunity to link the performance of our brands with the customer experience thanks to online campaigns, and thus successfully pursue brand marketing. We combine the marketplace appearance with a focus on people and their needs, thus creating an emotional bond. This means that brand loyalty is no longer promoted directly in the customer experience, but indirectly and subconsciously.

Charlotte Maxeiner

Charlotte ist Social-Media-Managerin und Inhaltserstellerin. Sie erstellt Inhalte aller Art: Von kurzen und knackigen Posts in sozialen Netzwerken bis hin zu ausführlichen Blogposts über das Online-Marktplatzgeschäft ist alles dabei.

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